Saturday, December 24, 2011

Golden Rule For Progress.

MEANING: The Golden Rule means, substantially, to do unto others, as you would wish them to do unto you if your positions were reversed. The real reason behind this rule is – There is an eternal law through the operation of which we reap that we sow.
When you select the rule of conduct by which you guide yourself in transaction with others, you will be fair and just, very likely, if you know that you are setting into motion, by that selection, a power that will run its course for well-being or grief, in the lives of others, returning finally, to help or hinder you according to its nature.
This law goes much further and even returns a person the results of every thought that he releases. The law upon which the Golden Rule is based begins affecting him, either for good or evil, the moment he releases a thought. It is the medium through which a person becomes the master of his own destiny. It is because his thoughts and acts are the tools with which he ultimately does make his destiny.
Therefore, not alone it is advisable to “do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.” But to avail yourself fully of the benefits of this great Universal Law, you must “think of others as you wish them to think of you”.
You cannot pervert or change the course of this law. But, you can adapt yourself to its nature and thereby use it as an irresistible power that will carry you to heights of achievements which could not be attained without its aid.
A passive attitude towards the Golden Rule will bring no results. It is not enough to merely believe in it. If you want results, you must take an active attitude towards it. With full faith and prayer, apply it in your relationship with others and gradually, you will develop belief in its soundness. There is the belief that no man can attain success in its highest form without the aid of an earnest prayer. Give prayer a trial after every thing else fails to bring you a satisfactory success.
To decide whether your particular action is right or wrong, use logic and reason to deduce its consequences on yourself. You must attempt to determine how your actions will influence others to act towards you. Do you really not care what others think? What are the long-term effects of your actions? May be you need to temper your actions a bit to get more of what you want from others.
Emerson said, “A man passes for what he is worth. What he is engraves itself on his face, on his form, on his fortunes in letters of light which all men may read but him.”
With idea of Golden Rule in mind, Emerson further said, “Whilst frankness proves to be the best tactics, for it invites frankness, puts the parties on a convenient footing and makes their business a friendship. Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great by making an exception in your favour to all their rules of trade.”
As this rule comes to be understood, cooperation will take the place of competition, with the result of removing all ground for enmity, whether between individuals, classes or nations. All who will understand and apply this law may profit by shaping their business philosophy to conform to this sweeping change toward cooperation which is taking place all over the world. The failure to adopt the Golden Rule as the foundation of one’s business or professional philosophy is the equivalent of economic suicide.
Golden Rule philosophy when rightly understood and applied makes dishonesty impossible. It also makes it impossible all other destructive qualities such as selfishness, greed, envy, bigotry, hatred and malice.
When you apply the Golden Rule, you become at once, both the judge and the judged–the accused and the accuser. This places one in a position in which honesty begins in one’s own heart, toward one’s self and extends to all others with equal effect. It is not the brand of honesty which recognizes nothing but the question of expediency.
Those who apply this law, do it not alone out of their desire to be just with others, but because of their desire to be just with themselves. They understand that through the operation of this law every thought they release and every act in which they indulge has its own counterpart in some fact or circumstance with which they will later be confronted.
All our acts and even our thoughts of others are registered in our Sub-Conscious Mind through the principle of Auto-suggestion. With this process, we build our own character in exact duplicate of the nature of our thoughts and acts. Consequently, whatever we do unto others we do unto ourselves.
Stated in another way, every act and every thought you release modifies your own character in exact conformity with the nature of the act or thought, and your character is a sort of center of magnetic attraction, which attracts you the people, and conditions that harmonize with it.
You cannot indulge in an act toward another person without having first created the nature of that act in your own thought, and you cannot release a thought without planting the sum and substance and nature of it in your own Sub-Conscious Mind there to become a part and parcel of your own character. By grasping this principle, you understand the injunction, “Return good for evil.”
If you apply this injunction (Return good for evil), you cannot be induced to “strike back” to the person who injures you, for the reason that no man can “strike back” at another “without cost.” Not always is the cost of a monetary nature, for there are other things with which one may pay that are dearer than money. Your character for you is dearer than money and for the sake of the reputation of your character you may be induced to “forgive” your money.

Let us embody the law of Golden Rule in Code of Ethics and adopt, as under.
I. I believe in the Golden Rule as basis of all human conduct. Therefore, I will never
do to another person that which I would not be willing for that person to do to me,
if our positions were reversed.
II. I will be honest in all my transactions with others, because of my desire to be
honest with them, as well as to impress the idea of honesty on my own Sub-
Conscious Mind, thereby weaving this essential quality into my own character.
III. I will forgive those who are unjust toward me, with no thought as to whether they deserved it or not. Because, I understand the law through which forgiveness of
others strengthen my own character and wipes out the effects of my own
transgressions, in my Sub-Conscious Mind.
IV. I will always be just, generous and fair with others, even though I know that these
acts will go un-noticed and un-rewarded, in the ordinary terms of reward.
Because, I understand and intend to apply the law through the aid of which one’s
own character is but the sum total of one’s own acts and deeds.
V. Whatever time I may have to devote to the discovery and exposure of the
weaknesses and faults of others, I will devote more profitably to the discovery of and correctness of my own weaknesses.
VI. I will slander no person, no matter how much I believe another person may
deserve it, because I wish to plant no destructive suggestions in my own Sub-
Conscious Mind.
VII. I will recognize the power of “thought” as being an inlet leading into my brain from
the universal ocean of life. Therefore, I will set no thoughts afloat upon that
ocean lest they pollute the minds of others.
VIII. I will conquer the common human tendency toward hatred, envy, selfishness, jealousy, malice, pessimism, doubt and fear. Because, I believe these to be the
seed from which the world harvests most of its troubles.
IX. When my mind is not occupied with thoughts that tend toward the attainment of
my “Definite Chief Aim” in life, I will voluntarily keep it filled with the thoughts of
courage, self-confidence, goodwill toward others, faith, kindness, loyalty, love for
truth and justice. Because, I believe these to be seed from which the world reaps
its harvest of progressive growth.
X. I understand the law, through operation of which my own character is developed
from my own acts and thoughts. Therefore, I will guard with care all that goes into
its development.
XI. As enduring happiness comes only through helping others find it and no act of
kindness is without its reward, even though it may never be directly repaid, I will
do my best to assist others when and where the opportunity appears.

The Golden Rule, The Rule of “Like Attracts Like” And Effects of Retaliation:
Your character is but the sum total of your thoughts and deeds. Further, like attracts like, as is known to you through the law of attraction. Due to this truth, it is impossible for you to render any useful service or indulge in any act of kindness toward others without benefiting thereby; because your thoughts and deeds are likely to attract those whose characters harmonize with your own constructive attitude. Moreover, it is just as much impossible for you to indulge in any destructive act or thought without paying the penalty in the loss of corresponding amount of your own power.
You need no proof that your hostile or unkind acts toward others bring back the effects of retaliation. Moreover, this retaliation is usually definite and immediate. Likewise, you need no proof that you can accomplish more by dealing with others in such a way that they will want to cooperate with you. You understand how to induce others to act toward you as you wish them to act – through your own attitude towards them. As your thought effect your action, so positive thought develops a dynamic personality and negative thought develops a personality of an opposite nature.
The law of “an eye for eye and tooth for a tooth” is nothing more than the Law of Retaliation. If I speak ill of you, even though I tell the truth, you will not think kindly of me. Furthermore, you will most likely retaliate in kind. But, if I speak of your virtues, you will think kindly of me and when the opportunity appears will reciprocate in kind in the majority of instances.
Through the operation of this Law of Attraction, the uninformed are constantly attracting trouble, grief, hatred and opposition from others by their “unguarded words” and “destructive acts”.
It is therefore, desirable to do unto others as you would have them do unto you; bearing in mind the fact that human nature has a tendency to retaliate in kind. In other words, if you would not have your eye plucked out, then ensure against this misfortune by refraining from plucking out the other fellow’s eye.

Golden Rule Strengthens Character: Instead of retaliating in kind, as mentioned above, go a step further and render the other fellow an act of kindly helpful service and through the operation of this same Law of Retaliation, he will render you a similar service.
And if he fails to reciprocate your kindness – What then?
You have profited, nevertheless, because of the effect of your act on your own Sub-Conscious Mind.
It might happen that you would base all of your acts toward others on the Golden Rule without enjoying any direct reciprocation for a long period of time or the others would never reciprocate your acts of kindness. But, in the meantime you have been adding vitality to your own character and sooner or later this positive character which you have been building will begin to assert itself and you will discover that you have been receiving compound interest in return for those acts of kindness which appeared to have been wasted on those who neither appreciated, nor reciprocated them.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


In a more serious vein, a study conducted by scientists of the Institute for the Study of Labour and the University of Bonn, reveals that parents who revel in taking risks tend to have children who are more willing to indulge in risk-taking behaviour. And the eagerness to trust fellow human beings is also apparently inherited. This may explain why success seems to be a family affair, as every economic decision is a result of judicious risks and trust imposed on worthy individuals.

Therefore, it is a matter to be seriously considered whether by sheer hard work, talent or just the advantage of an environment that inspires achievement, being born and bred in the lap of success seems to be a sure shot manner of being successful in one’s adult years. So, does success, apparently do beget success?

Researchers point out; ‘heritability’ suggests the importance of considering genetic factors to explain why some people are successfully entrepreneurial, while others are not. The research further debunks another myth that opposites always attract. “Women who like taking risks are more likely to have husbands of the same ilk. This shapes the attitude and mindset of the offspring who, in turn, choose a partner similar to themselves. Thus, ‘success’ is inherited across several generations.”

Then, is there any reason to indulge in backbreaking hard work? There is, it seems. “Your genetic composition can give you a good start as you have an environment that exposes you to success. It surely lends you that advantage. Nevertheless, remember that just acquiring the genes cannot give you the actions of your parents.

However, if you are growing up in a family full of achievers, you certainly do not want to be qualified as the family wastrel who just lolls about and enjoys the scent of money. When you live with successful people, you also want to be successful. Yes, your genes give you an edge, an initial advantage. But after that, you have to possess the required talent.

Therefore, while the components of success are genetic, success itself could be an amalgamation of genes as well as learned behaviour. Just breathing in an environment where a ‘good morning’ is accompanied with the latest share bazaar news could be inspiration enough to try walking in daddy’s footsteps. And that could well pave the way to success.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Evolution of Relgion.

Evolution of religion is generally linked with the existence of God. During the primitive stage of evolution, human beings were like the other animals. However, possessed greater intelligence and the power of thought than other beings on this planet. They had no distinction between the noble and ignoble deeds i.e. sinful deeds transgressing against the divine law. Therefore, at that stage, man could be described as a noble-savage. He did not feel the necessity to imagine about God. With the process of time, and sharp evolution of material progress, he came to be bound by some limitations in his conduct for smooth running of his social and economic needs. It led to the origin of noble, and ignoble or sinful deeds for orderly functioning of human society.
Secondly, man was unable to imagine the causes behind the natural phenomenon like earth-quakes, bursting of volcanoes, tsunami, floods, draughts, famines, outbreak of diseases, etc and miseries like hunger, loss of life, and property. Naturally, he felt frightened and used to lose his self-confidence to smoothly run his life. Out of fear, man imagined that on this planet, or out of this universe, there must be some imperceptible and omnipotent 'power' behind this entire phenomenon that was controlling his destiny. He variously termed this 'power' as God, Allah, Bhagwan, etc. before whom he bowed his "head" with folded "hands" to pay his obeisance to expect favour. Some of the natural phenomenon came to be linked to the cosmic bodies or 'divine' ancestors. With prayer to God, or cosmic bodies, or 'divine' ancestors, he started feeling good to restore his self-confidence that was necessary for a positive effect over his mental, and physical life, and consequently over the economic condition.
Simultaneous to this process, the 'smart and 'clever' individuals developed themselves into priesthood and started imprisoning both his "head" (linked with consciousness) and "hands" (linked with conduct & creativity) with the object to get benefit out of his creative activities. The said 'smart' and 'clever' individuals connived with the mighty-individuals or the rulers, and linked religion with morality and ethics to command natural and automatic obedience from the masses, and thus they became capable to serve their vested interests.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thiest and Athiest

The world over, both the theistic and anti-theistic arguments are inconclusive. However, for the human beings, it is possible to think, and experience in both religious, as well as naturalistic/scientific ways to be a part of the universe on this planet. We are facing an issue of the fact, which at present, is veiled in ambiguity, so that both belief and dis-belief carry with them the risk of profound error. However, while keeping in view the individual freedom, those who have the inclination/desire to believe must be rationally allowed by human society the 'right to believe' in theistic, anti-theistic, or agnostic faiths of their respective choices, provided nobody's faith interfers/disrupts the overall promotion of the welfare of humankind; particularly because religion/faith is for humanity and not humanity for religion.
To promote understanding/cooperation among all human-beings, there should be continuous inter-faith dialogue. However, historically and even now currently, both the religious leaders and the ruling classes have seldom cooperated on the subject due to their selfish interests aimed at exploiting the credulity of masses. In India, they even went to the extent of sanctification of slavery for their brutal exploitation of the toiling masses. Would you consider the exploiters as theists? If you consider them as theists, the toiling masses, with the spread of higher education and modernity are likely to feel the inclination towards becoming athiests or agnostics.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


For six decades, generations of Indians have been taught to believe that the colonial rulers saw India through the lens of ignorance and prejudice. The Britishers used to believe that Hinduism could not build up a nation because of one 'vital structure' i.e. 'Caste' . National allegiance was secondary to the loyalty each (Hindu) owed to his caste, since his caste was his Karma, determining much more than his present life, namely, all his lives still to come.
Consequently, we may mirror India as a land obsessed by caste and unable to rise above it. Since the foreign rulers never aimed at being social reformers, they attempted to accommodate this caste obsession in public policy. They documented caste in all its bewildering complexities in the Gazetteers and most importantly, attempted to quantify caste allegiances in the Census operations from 1881.
However, even after the Independence, the 'vital structure' is still now supported in practice by India's political and religious leadership. Consequently, caste has become the bases of the government’s elaborative redistributive programmes. Sixty years of experiments with modernity have proved to be mere ripples on the surface; the depths of India’s ‘vital structure’ have been unmoved.
It is our nationalist modernizers who have been defeated by the ‘real’ India, wherein, the future appears to belong to the same old structure. As per the findings of some research scholars caste was the worst form of racialism and we may as well acknowledge it as per the ground situation in India.
To honestly deal with such situations (be it racialism or caste), in recent times, Germany has apologized to the Jews for the Holocaust, Japan has said sorry to the US for Pearl Harbour; the Pope has publically taken the burden of his errant clergy on himself and bowed his head in shame; Russia has apologized to Poland for Stalin’s massacre of its non-communist leadership in 1939; the federal government of Australia has apologized to its aborigines for willfully killing so many of them; and one & a half decade back, the Queen apologized for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Further, the British Parliament have legally declared casteism as tantamount to racialism, just to ensure that this contagious disease of caste may not grip their country, because of the deep-rooted mindset of the Indians settled there.
Are both the religious and the political leaders sleeping in India, and now to start with & to honestly follow all other civilized countries on this planet, can't they even pass resolutions expressing their resolve to revolutionize the the Indian society?

Saturday, July 16, 2011


A Rationalist observation on 'Soul' & its 'Re-incarnation':

The fear of not achieving salvation, in majority cases, may be charged directly to religious fanaticism. For hundreds of millions of years man has been asking the still unanswered question—“Whence” and “Whither”— from where did his soul come at birth and where it is going at death?
The thought of eternal punishment destroys interest in life and makes happiness impossible. The religious leader may not be able to provide safe conduct into heaven. But, the very thought of hell hold the imagination in such a realistic way that it paralyzes reason, and sets up the fear of death.
Since the dark ages of the past, more cunning and crafty, as well as the honest but credulous of the human race have been active to offer the answer to these questions, along with their explanation of “Salvation” for a price. In fact, the answering of these questions has become one of the so called “learned” professions, despite the fact that but little learning is required to enter this profession. Nobody knows wherefrom our souls come at birth and where the same go after death. Any person claiming otherwise is either deceiving himself or he is a conscious imposter who makes it a business to live without rendering service of value, through play upon the credulity of humanity. The doctrine of “Salvation” is based upon the notion that certain portion of human personality called the “Soul” survives after death. The hope of “Salvation” has filled the coffers of the Priest-Parasites with more gold and silver, as they have reduced ethics to ignoble commercial arithmetic and have prospered on fraud and superstition. Liberation of humanity from superstition is necessary to achieve scientific ethics in the interest of human growth. Actuality and growing civilized human personality rule the Earth.
The various religious denominations are but competing brands in the market-place or public perceptions and consumer loyalty. Indeed, many schools of metaphysics go far beyond the borders of religion. Religion is good so long as it preserves and promotes humanity. Beyond that we are compelled to reject it, because religion is for humanity and not humanity for religion. Therefore, take life as it comes to you by developing a positive attitude, without the fear of death created by superstition.
The fear of death is not as common now as it was during the old ages. Men of science have turned the spotlight of truth upon the world and this truth is rapidly freeing people from this terrible fear of death. Through the aid of biology, astronomy, geology and other related sciences, the fears of dark ages which gripped the minds of men have been dispelled.
The entire world is made up of two things, energy and matter. In elementary physics, we learn that neither matter, nor energy (the only two realities known to man) can be created, nor destroyed. Both matter and energy can be transformed, but neither can be destroyed.
Life is energy, if it is anything. If neither energy, nor matter can be destroyed, of course life cannot be destroyed. Life, like other forms of energy, may be passed through various processes of transition, or change, but it cannot be destroyed. Therefore, “death” is mere transition.
If death is not mere change, or transition, then nothing comes after death except a long, eternal, peaceful sleep, and sleep is nothing to be feared. Thus, you may wipe out, for ever, the false concept of re-incarnation of souls.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Electoral Reforms

Electoral Reforms:
The top most drawback in the current electoral system in India is that whosoever manages to get about 15% to 25% of the total votes polled (as per the current first past the post system), gets elected as people's representative in the Parliament/State Assemblies thereby projecting herself/himself as the politically popular person representing the wishes of the majority; while actually S/he is not. Consequently, in actual practice, the wishes of the majority of people go un-addressed, thereby resulting in mass dis-satisfaction and sometimes, even unrest. To cope with this situation, electoral reforms specifically including the provision of preferential treatment single tranferable voting system (wherein a voter expresses three preferences from amonst the candidates in field) should be introduced, and the person getting more than 50% of the total votes should thus be declared elected. Consequently, the party in power shall naturally be considered as the most popular representing the wishes of the majority and it shall result in lesser and lesser unrest. Moreover, the Government thus actually commanding majority among the masses must have the strong will to successfully counter the problems created by some NGOs from time to time. It shall also empover the Government to deal with the demand of those, who are currently asking for the 'Right to Recall'.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Psychology of Success

Whatever one looks outwardly, his real self is revealed by his attitude. A positive attitude helps in development of action for success. The following steps can be helpful to develop positive attitude—

1. Develop the habit of looking for the positive and optimistic things.

2. Make a habit of doing it now. Live in the present and do away with
procrastination. Develop the habit of accomplishing every task without

3. Develop an attitude of gratitude for what you have instead of what you
don't. Be always thankful to those from whom you ever get help.

4. Continuously develop the habit of learning new things. Get into
continuous education programme for self-improvement and
competence in your chosen field for realizing your objectives.

5. Develop good self-esteem by selflessly doing something for those
whom you can't give money or prosperity and don't expect anything
in return.

6. Look for good points in everything and each individual. But also keep
away from negative influences of petty thinking people, intoxicants,
negative programmes of the media, etc.

7. Develop self-discipline and abstain from undesirable actions. That is
what will make you more focused. Don’t use inauspicious, negative
and abusive words. Use good and meaningful language.

8. Start doing what is necessary and possible. Learn to like things that
need to be done.

9. There should not be any gap between what you say and do. Be
punctual in whatever you do.

10. Be prepared to listen to criticism. If you disagree, do it courteously.

11. Don’t be a miser in appreciating ,congratulating and encouraging

12. Get rid of your debts and obligations as soon as possible.

13. Determine your definite objectives clearly. Always keep your eyes on
achieving your aim. Remember! Life is action not contemplation. As
Robert Frost said: 'Miles to go before I sleep'. Ultimately, success is
what you want it to be, and that choice resides solely in your mind and

14. Start each day with a positive note aimed at improvement in your
thinking, actions and behaviour. There are many temptations in the
world, but one has to head for his goal without distractions. Only your
persistent efforts can achieve what you want.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Psychology of Success.


Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling. The study of attitude assumes importance, because our actions meant for achieving success depend upon what we think, feel, react to a given situation. Attitude may both be positive or negative depending upon the various factors that determine it and set it into an individual's personality and actions. An individual's attitude is chiefly developed and determined by his/her environment, life-experience and education.

Environmental factors include the nature of influences (positive or negative) from home, cultural and religious background, traditions and beliefs, peer pressure, workplace, media, as well as social and political environment.

Our life-experience is influenced by the type of people we deal and the circumstances we face and accordingly our actions and behaviour get moulded. Formal and informal education received in a planned manner develops into wisdom, makes one learn the life-work, the art of living and thus influences our attitude.

Impact of attitude on life is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. We can say that life is 10 per cent what happens to you and 90 per cent of how you react to various situations.

Some people think of attitude as a little thing, but it makes a big difference. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. One can be happy at times and sad at times. However, the remarkable thing is we have a choice regarding the attitude we will embrace for whatever happens. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.
You can look on the positive side of the situation and take life positively. Each time something happens, one chooses to learn from it. It is all in the mind how you react to different situations. You can be what you want to be.
It is your choice how you live life. Attitude, after all, is everything.

The less energy you expend in unnecessary emotional gyrations the more you have for intelligent decision-making and self-development for success. Your thoughts create your reality. The goal is to be the driver of our actions, not the passenger. So, work on constantly framing your experiences in ways that are empowering for you and others, and make your life more workable and enjoyable.

While identifying your strengths and working on them, you could reach the critical mass of good habits, which are crucial for success. It will also encourage you towards making serious efforts to identify your negatives and work on them. Change is possible in each one of us at any age.

People with great education and brilliant brains can fail in life because of their wrong attitude. Those with right attitude find something good, something personal in everything even if it is right.

Attitude not only affects our performance, it also has a profound effect on the attitude of the people around us. Therefore, in order to be successful and happy at work, in the social environment and home, it is very important to have a positive attitude.

We all inherit a temperament, which is some total of our feelings and reactions. It dictates how we behave and is reflected in our overall personality. You can work on your temperament and make a positive change.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Psychology of Success.

BENEFIT FROM POSITIVE THINKING COMPANIONS: We often say that the company he keeps knows a person. A sensitive mind easily absorbs the vibrations emanating from the thoughts of the people with whom it associates. Deep thought has even the ability to extract knowledge and information from the higher dimensional knowledge space.

Birds of the same feather flock together. This rule has stood the test of ages. Therefore, if you want to be prosperous you must have links with the prosperous people. With the process of time, you will also attract prosperity because of the encouragement and guidance from such people.

But if you are encircled with such people who are satisfied with average life-style and they believe in predetermined destiny, you are also likely to remain average in progress like them. There is a great truth in the saying that like attracts like. Your negative thinking companions would like you to accept your present situation and would not think in favour of your progress. Therefore, keep away from such people who want the death of your dreams.

Psychology of Success.

NEGATIVE SIDE OF POSITIVE THINKING: Thoughts are neither negative nor positive. Thoughts just are. What they turn out to be depends on the context. Given a context, thoughts can be realistic or unrealistic, mean or generous, selfish or selfless. In reality, no positive thought can arise without a negative thought hiding around it. It is up to you to remain alert from negative side of positive thinking.

Positive thoughts can turn negative very quickly. Why? Because they organize in the same source. They are inter-connected. Negative thinking comes from the same-shared space as positive thinking. Thoughts become positive or negative depending on you. It is you who sets the standards and values by which you evaluate thoughts.

A lot of people talk about falling standards of every thing — food, music, newspapers, movies, the young generation, or whatever. Actually standards have neither fallen nor risen. Standards have just shifted. Your value frames have changed.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Psychology of Success.

They say that the world is but a thought of God. However, it is also true that a man is but the product of his thoughts. What the man thinks, he becomes. So we are what we think.

All our religious leaders have emphasized the importance of prayer. A prayer is in fact a thought repeated with fervour that releases the energy within us to achieve what we want.

It is necessary to point out that to surrender to what some call as the ‘predetermined fate’ has practically proved to be surrender to ignorance. To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.

Our thoughts are unrestricted. They are absolutely free, free to travel and free to influence us – for better or for worse. Let us recognize this fact and harness positive thoughts for our well-being and betterment.

As thought is the most potent force, we need to use this force to make our life meaningful one. Our thoughts are the foundation, the inspiration, the motivating power of our deeds. We create our entire world by the way we think. Thoughts are the causes and conditions are the effects.

People deal too much with the negative. That is wrong. So, why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom.

Though, we are influenced by our surroundings and environment, yet our circumstances and conditions may not be created by the outside world. Because the positive world inside us creates the outside.

Self-awareness comes from the mind, which means soul. Mind is the sum total of the states of consciousness grouped under thought, will and feeling. Besides self-consciousness, we have the power to choose and think.

A man’s mind does not remain inactive. Even when he is bodily inactive, he is all the time active on the thought plane. Therefore, if we observe ourselves, we can easily mould our thoughts.

Every thought, no matter how fleeting, leaves a seed in the mind of the thinker. Small seeds together go to make up a large thought seed and determine one’s general character. Our thoughts affect the whole body. Each thought once generated and sent out becomes independent of the brain and mind and will live upon its intensity.

Every thought we think, every act we perform, creates in us an impression. That impression, like every thing else, is subject to cyclic law and becomes repetitive in our mind. We alone have the choice to create our thoughts and develop the kind of impressions that make our actions more positive.

Right introspection will be required of us to determine what we really desire to effect. Let us choose the thought seeds of right ideas, noble and courageous aspirations that will be received by minds of the same nature.

Every thing in the universe is so much inter-related and inter-dependent that we live in one and another. So by accepting the grand principle of universal brotherhood, we shall be in a position to appreciate what a heavy responsibility is ever ours to think right. Let us reflect and send loving and helpful thoughts and lighten the load of world’s suffering. Positive thinking is a string force that can be harnessed for the welfare and success of all.

We talk of positive thinking as a stress buster for good health. Happy thoughts release hormones that work for our well-being and negative thoughts release hormones that make us ill.

We exhort our children to keep their goals in mind. What is determination but the capacity to think the same thought repeatedly until we achieve what we want?

Thoughts not only have potency for the person thinking the thoughts but also, they have the power to influence the people at whom they are directed. Reiki, for instance, is the art of self-healing, even distance healing. The violent can be made calm by exuding thoughts of love and compassion.

NEGATIVE SIDE OF POSITIVE THINKING: Thoughts are neither negative nor positive. Thoughts just are. What they turn out to be depends on the context. Given a context, thoughts can be realistic or unrealistic, mean or generous, selfish or selfless. In reality, no positive thought can arise without a negative thought hiding around it. It is up to you to remain alert from negative side of positive thinking.

Positive thoughts can turn negative very quickly. Why? Because they organize in the same source. They are inter-connected. Negative thinking comes from the same-shared space as positive thinking. Thoughts become positive or negative depending on you. It is you who sets the standards and values by which you evaluate thoughts.

A lot of people talk about falling standards of every thing — food, music, newspapers, movies, the young generation, or whatever. Actually standards have neither fallen nor risen. Standards have just shifted. Your value frames have changed.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Rationalist's observation on 'Soul' & its 'Re-incarnation'.

The pangs of fear of not achieving salvation (from false concept of re-incarnation of souls), in majority cases, may be charged directly to religious fanaticism. For hundreds of millions of years man has been asking the still unanswered question—“Whence” and “Whither”— from where did his soul come at birth and where it is going at death?
The thought of eternal punishment destroys interest in life and makes happiness impossible. The religious leader may not be able to provide safe conduct into heaven. But, the very thought of hell hold the imagination in such a realistic way that it paralyzes reason, and sets up the fear of death.
Since the dark ages of the past, more cunning and crafty, as well as the honest but credulous of the human race have been active to offer the answer to these questions, along with their explanation of “Salvation” for a price. In fact, the answering of these questions has become one of the so called “learned” professions, despite the fact that but little learning is required to enter this profession. Nobody knows wherefrom our souls come at birth and where the same go after death. Any person claiming otherwise is either deceiving himself or he is a conscious imposter who makes it a business to live without rendering service of value, through play upon the credulity of humanity. The doctrine of “Salvation” is based upon the notion that certain portion of human personality called the “Soul” survives after death. The hope of “Salvation” has filled the coffers of the Priest-Parasites with more gold and silver, as they have reduced ethics to ignoble commercial arithmetic and have prospered on fraud and superstition. Liberation of humanity from superstition is necessary to achieve scientific ethics in the interest of human growth. Actuality and growing civilized human personality rule the Earth.
The various religious denominations are but competing brands in the market-place or public perceptions and consumer loyalty. Indeed, many schools of metaphysics go far beyond the borders of religion. Religion is good so long as it preserves and promotes humanity. Beyond that we are compelled to reject it, because religion is for humanity and not humanity for religion. Therefore, take life as it comes to you by developing a positive attitude, without the fear of death created by superstition.
The fear of death is not as common now as it was during the old ages. Men of science have turned the spotlight of truth upon the world and this truth is rapidly freeing people from this terrible fear of death. Through the aid of biology, astronomy, geology and other related sciences, the fears of dark ages which gripped the minds of men have been dispelled.
The entire world is made up of two things, energy and matter. In elementary physics, we learn that neither matter, nor energy (the only two realities known to man) can be created, nor destroyed. Both matter and energy can be transformed, but neither can be destroyed.
Life is energy, if it is any thing. If neither energy, nor matter can be destroyed, of course life cannot be destroyed. Life, like other forms of energy, may be passed through various processes of transition, or change, but it cannot be destroyed. Therefore, “death” is mere transition.
If death is not mere change, or transition, then nothing comes after death except a long, eternal, peaceful sleep, and sleep is nothing to be feared. Thus, you may wipe out, for ever, the false concept of re-incarnation of souls.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Psychology of Success.


I. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT: It consists of the following factors.

(1) Evolution of Thought into Burning Desire: As we think of some material object, we feel about it. Repeated feelings give rise to wishes and we hope to do something about it. Our repeated wishes about a material object take the shape of a desire. The desire creates a strong feeling of wanting to get that material object. Many people “Wish” for many things. But a “Wish” is not the equivalent of a strong desire. Wishes are of little or no value unless they are crystallized into the more definite forms of desire. When the desire becomes strongly well established both in the Conscious Mind, as well as in the Sub-Conscious Mind, we may call it a burning desire or an obsession for that particular idea or object in our mind.

(2) Evolution of Burning Desire into a definite “Chief Aim” : A burning desire can become a constantly Deep Seated Strong Desire. When such a strong desire is capable of becoming a definite “Chief Aim” to convert it into a reality, then it is the starting point of all achievement. Thus, your "Chief aim" that is like a dream would be meaningless unless based upon a strong desire. To achieve that, simple planning does not work. It must be backed by persistence, which does not recognize failure.

(3) Working of The Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction causes elements and forces of similar nature to gather around certain centers of attraction. Through this law, the burning desire attracts the means of securing it or the physical equivalent of the thing desired. We focus our Conscious Mind upon our objective or dream, by constant thought of it and belief in its attainment, until the Sub-Conscious Mind takes up the outline or picture of this dream and impels us to take the necessary physical action to transform that picture into reality.

(4) Great Power of Dreams: Thoughts evolve into your "Chief Aim" that acquires the stage of a dream capable of realization. However, are four types of dreamers among the people in the world –

A. Dream-makers: They are those people who with their hard-work and
dedication realize their dreams without any loss of time.

B. Dream-bakers: They are the people who after seeing some dream
spend whole of their life in realizing that dream.

C. Dream-undertaker: They are those people who with their open eyes in
the morning see some dream and go to sleep after the sunset. They
never transform any of their dreams into reality.

D. Dream-taker: They are the people who fear to dream of any thing.
However, they try to steal other people’s dreams.

You can realize your dreams in reality if you believe you can. This changing world in which we live is demanding new ideas, new ways of doing things. Back of all this demand for new and better things is the quality of open-mindedness, receptive mind, the knowledge of what one wants, a burning desire and belief to possess it.


1. Open Mindedness: Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief. Open mindedness is essential to make use of new ideas for realization of dreams. There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he develops in the mind the necessary faith and believes that he can acquire it by following usable ideas. The state of mind must be belief, not mere wish or hope.

2. Practical Actions: Dreamers back up their burning desire with practical actions for achieving success. A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreamers are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition. All who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heart-breaking struggles, before they “arrive”. No one ever is defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.

3. Constructive Objective: It is a well established principle of psychology that a person’s acts are always in harmony with the dominating thoughts of his or her mind. Accordingly, your definite "Chief Aim" in life should be selected with deliberate care. Be sure that your "Chief Aim" is constructive.

4. Chief Aim: Through working relationship between Imagination, Conscious and Sub-Conscious minds, we reach the first step in the achievement of any definite "Chief Aim". In doing so, we create a definite picture of that thing which is desired. This picture must be held in the mind through the Law of Concentration, along with the exact awareness of your potentialities and talents.

5. Self-Hypnotism: By daily reference to a definite statement containing your “Chief Aim,” the thing aimed for is taken up by the Conscious Mind and handed over to the Sub-Conscious Mind through Auto-Suggestion, or the suggestion, which you repeatedly make to yourself. It is a degree of self-hypnotism through which the Sub-Conscious Mind in turn directs the energies of the body to transform your burning desire for that thing into material form. The impulse of strong burning desire recognizes no such word as impossible, and accepts no reality as failure.

6. Faith And Belief: Faith and belief are necessary for realization of your dreams. There is nothing right or wrong, which belief, plus burning desire, cannot make real. These qualities are free to everyone to successfully deal with adversities. Mental Chemistry works magic.

7. Organized Effort: Dreamers throw their heart and soul into their particular line of endeavour to achieve their objective. They know that success depends on power and power is organized effort. Therefore, the first step in the direction of organized effort is to develop definite actionable plans to achieve your purpose.

8. Persistence: Practical dreamers do not quit. After deciding what they actually want, practical dreamers persistently pursue the object of their desire till it is finally achieved. If they meet with temporary defeat, they do keep in mind that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success. Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity. Despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Similar is the story of Wright brothers who dreamed of a machine that would fly through the air.


1. Every voluntary movement of body is caused, controlled and directed by
thought, through the operation of mind.

2. The presence of any thought or idea in our consciousness tends to
produce an associated feeling which is apt to urge upon us to transform
that feeling into muscular action that is in perfect harmony with the
nature of our thought.

3. If we choose life-work to realize a definite purpose, it becomes the

dominating thought in our consciousness, and we are constantly on the
alert for facts, information and knowledge with which to achieve that

4. Deep Seated Strong Desire determines what our definite purpose in life
shall be, unless we permit it to be pushed aside by conflicting desires. If
the object of desire is within reason, it is practically sure of realization. In
Short – The stages leading from desire to its fulfillment are –
FIRST: The burning desire.
SECOND: The crystallization of that desire into a definite purpose.
THIRD: The sufficient appropriate action or work to achieve that

REMEMBER to make your “Definite Chief Aim” clear by keeping in mind the fact that your aim cannot be too high. Back it up with persistence which does not recognize the word "impossible". Know WHAT you want, WHY you want it, WHEN you want it, WHERE you want it, WHO is to ally (if any) with you in getting it, HOW you intend to get it. This may be called as the “5WH” formula – what, why, where, when, who and how.

II. ECONOMIC ASPECT: It consists of two factors—

(1) Personal Effort: Hard labour and good intentions are not sufficient to carry a man through success, unless he has established in his mind some definite object that he wishes to achieve. If a steamship lost its rudder in the mid-ocean and began circling around, it would soon exhaust its fuel supply without reaching the shore, despite the fact that it would use up enough energy to carry it to the shore and back several times. So, until a man selects a definite purpose in life, he dissipates his energies and spreads his thoughts over so many subjects and in so many different directions that may not lead to success. Rather, such an attitude will lead to indecision, weakness, and wastage of time, energy and economic resources.

(2) Allied Effort: Out of allied effort comes greater power and economy. That which one person can accomplish single handed, during an entire life-time, is but meagre at best. But that which one man may accomplish through the principle of alliance with other men is practically without limitation. Concentration of allied effort and the habit of working with a definite “Chief Aim” are two of the essential factors in greater success, which are always found together. One leads another.

As a result of the Law of Attraction, like-minded people flock together. Go out into any cheap boarding house locality in any city and there you will find people of the same general trend of mind associated together. On the other hand, go into any prosperous community and there you will find people of the same general tendencies associated together. Men, who are successful, always seek company of such persons who are successful, while men who are on the ragged side of life always seek the company of those who are in similar circumstances. “Misery loves company”. As such, you will attract to you such people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish or not. This being true, you can see the importance of revitalizing your mind with a definite “Chief Aim” that will attract to you people who will be of help to you and not a hindrance.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Power of Thought


Man alone has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality. Man alone can dream and make his dreams come true. Through evolution and struggle during millions of years man has risen above the other creatures of the earth as a result of his own thoughts and their effects upon himself. Through the evolutionary power of thought the hopes and ambitions of one generation became a reality in the next. Hence, it is necessary to study this subject in detail. Main Features of the Power of Thought are –

1. THOUGHT IS THE MOST POTENT FORCE: Thought is the precursor of word and deed and is the most potent and powerful force. The battle is first fought and won in the mind. Success is achieved twice, once in the mind and second time in the real world. Visualizing your goals and success through thought is an important skill for any successful person. No matter in whose mind thought occurs; its laser-like energy seeks target. Thought as a potent force is well recognized since ages.

2. POWER OF THOUGHT IS LIMITLESS: No one knows the limitations of the power of thought or whether or not it has any. Whatever man believes he can do, he eventually does. But a few generations back, the more imaginative writers dared to write of the ‘horseless carriage’, and lo! It became a reality and is now a common vehicle.

3. THOUGHTS ARE THINGS: The man who knows how to use his power of thought constructively and persistently wins success. Fortunate is the person who has found how to arouse or stimulate his thinking mind so that the powers of the mind will function constructively. Such a mind may be made to do anything constructive when placed back of any strong, deeply seated desire. Thoughts being things do in fact have power, because your every thought and word is contributing to your life experience. Your thoughts produce emotions that in turn, result in how you feel about a particular event occurring in your life. However, two people can look at the exactly same event and have opposite feelings about it. The feelings accordingly affect one's actions leading to results in various things. Thus, you are creating your own reality, moment by moment, with the thoughts you choose to think and what you say, both to yourself and others.

Closely monitor your every thought, word and feelings. When you catch yourself dwelling in the negative, interrupt your pattern and substitute it with a positive thought. It is said that every thought consistently held for about 15 to 20 seconds will begin to attract a similar energy. This is one of the reasons you read your life’s vision and goals daily. This will hold your attention on thoughts of those things which you want and help you bring it towards you.

4. THOUGHTS EMPOWER MAN TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS: Man’s dominating position in the world is the direct result of thought. The power of thought has been given the dominating position in one’s life. It is this very power that you as an individual use in the attainment of success. No matter what may be your idea of what represents success.

5. ALL THOUGHT IS CREATIVE OR PRODUCTIVE: Thoughts can produce both positive and negative things. So, all thought is not constructive or positive. The power to “think” as you wish to “think” is the only power over which you have absolute control. If you think thoughts of misery or poverty and see no way to avoid these conditions, then your thoughts will create those very conditions and curse you with them. But, reverse the order and think thoughts of a positive, expectant nature. Then your thoughts will create those very positive conditions. Therefore, it rests upon you as to whether your thought will be of positive or negative type.

6. WHATEVER YOU COVCEIVE, YOU CAN ACHIEVE: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. It is because thoughts are powerful things when they are mixed with definiteness of purpose and a burning desire for their translation into material object by application of known principles being discussed here.

7. THOUGHTS MAGNATIZE YOUR PERSONALITY: You are the master of your faith and the captain of your soul by reason of the fact that you control your own thoughts with whose aid you may create whatever you desire. Thought magnetizes your entire personality and attracts to you the outward physical things that harmonize with the nature of your thoughts. Through power of thought, you should take an inventory of yourself for the purpose of ascertaining the factors or qualities with which you need to give your-self a well balanced and rounded out personality to achieve success.

8. THOUGHTS LEAD TO INFINITE INTELLIGENCE: Plant a definite "Chief Aim" in your sub-conscious mind and fertilize it with full positive belief. Belief will pave the way for “Infinite Intelligence” to step in to mature that project into exact reality. Any thing short of positive belief or faith will bring you disappointment.

9. THOUGHTS ARE GOLDMINES: More gold has been mined from thoughts of men than has ever been taken from the earth. But, success comes to those who are success conscious. Success begins with a state of mind with definiteness of purpose. It comes only to those people who work hard and long with positive attitude.

10. TOUGHTS CAN MAKE YOU SUCCESS CONSCIOUS: You can create success consciousness in your mind. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious with negative attitude. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing is to quit. That is what majority of men do. However, they could avoid defeat by learning the art of changing their thoughts or minds from failure consciousness to success consciousness.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


They say, "Hindu youths must go back to their roots and understand their scriptures". But, I am afraid of the results that have been produced by these scriptures, and therefore suggest that the Constitution of India should be understood deeply much more than a holy scripture, or rather it must be accepted as a new religion. Moreover, if something is in the interest of the people, its flexibility can be used to realize the nation's objectives, particularly because the holy scriptures cannot be re-written, as they contained the will of the 'God'.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


(BY R.L.Gottra)
The Constitution of India drafted by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is generally said to have been shaped on the Western Model. But, in fact, it can also be described as ‘first and foremost a social document’, because the ideology or its provisions are either directly arrived at furthering the aim of social revolution, or they attempt to foster this revolution by establishing conditions necessary for its achievement. The Constitution guarantees and protects a wide range of civil liberties, including freedom of religion. It outlaws all forms of discrimination on the bases economic, and social grounds like that of untouchability. With this constitution in India today, there lies the possibility to get established a casteless society in the long run, and consequently the real democracy due to the impact of Ambedkarism as shown below.
1. Through the voting rights, the people’s aptitude for equality is likely to rise continuously.
2. Due to India being a one political unit, the struggle for social justice in one part of the country is apt to get support in other parts.
3. The caste Hindus in large numbers are gradually saying good–bye to the caste system, untouchability and views based upon the old ‘Karma’ philosophy.
4. It is now increasingly becoming impossible for the ‘Dwij Hindus’ to continuously keep ‘Dalits’ into mental slavery.
5. In every field of life, without giving a central place to the last person, ‘salvation’ is not possible.
6. The democratization of knowledge and know-how has progressed in such a manner in the world that it has now become difficult to keep enslaved the human consciousness.
7. The humankind cannot tackle its crisis’s without mass participation of the whole society.
8. Due to pressure of the dreams and aspirations of general masses, the Backward-Dalit leadership may either reform itself or otherwise, the new leadership is likely to emerge.
9. Increasing number of people are getting impressed with the creation of understanding and love among themselves, rather than creating differences on one’s birth or profession.
10. As it is visible at many places, and particularly in big cities of India that there are growing numbers of inter-caste marriages, which substantiates a change in the conservative caste-based society of the past.
11. Intelligentsia has realized that it is time to get out of the inhuman traditions, and castetist mind-set in the name of ‘God’, culture or identity.
12. Since 1952 till date caste-wise complexion both in the Lok Sabha, and State Legislatures has gradually changed with progressive increase in the number of people’s representatives belonging to OBC, SC, and ST, except in case of minorities like Muslims, which more or less did not show much variation.

TASK AHEAD: Caste is the curse of India. Caste in all its forms made us nation of slaves. It is not Islam, etc. that has destroyed India. Our enemy is within us. Priest-craft and caste have slain us. Therefore, a strong wind is still needed to blow away the ghost of caste, and revolutionize the mental attitudes. To achieve this object, the ignorant masses must be made to understand that caste is not predetermined by ‘God’ on the basis of deeds of any supposed previous birth, and that majority of people in India wrongly get handicapped due to wrong conditioning of their minds with feelings of high and low. This conditioned mind-set of the people has remained the cause behind inequality, inefficiency, and inability to rationally conduct our social problems in India. Caste-system has also blocked the natural evolution of good / progressive human qualities. Here are a few suggestions to deal with the ghost of caste.
1. As jobs in government. Semi-govt. or govt.-aided organizations carry respect in the eyes of public; preference in selection for such jobs should be given to such individuals/children who do not suffix caste, as sir name.
2. All state governments should provide liberal cash awards to those who go in for inter-caste marriages. Individuals who go in for inter-caste marriages should be given preference for at least one promotion in their jobs.
3. Nomenclatures in respect of public sector organizations/institutions that smell of caste should be legally changed.
4. All those living below poverty line should be considered for reservation in jobs, both in the public and private sector.
5. All caste based organizations/institutions linked with narrow castetist objects should be legally not allowed to function.
6. All so called ‘holy’ books that contain any portion supporting pre-determination of caste by ‘God’, should be re-written; because ‘holiness’ lies in the service of humanity, and not in the ‘Karma’ based pre-determined fate/caste.
7. Those who support casteism should be declared communal/anti-national.
8. The children of deprived sections of society should be provided free, good-quality, and vocational education to empower them for making a good headway in life, instead of continuing to believe in the provision of reservation.
9. Preferential treatment for ‘Dalit Muslims/Dalit Christians’ may also be considered, as they are also part and parcel of the Indian society and remained depressed due to the similar flaws in Indian social system, as in case of other Dalits.
10. All politicians/bureaucrats who in any manner conduct themselves with favoritism based upon caste/religious prejudices must be shunted out.
11. All political parties having hand in caste-based agitations or which select/field candidates based upon caste considerations should be de-recognized for electoral purposes.