Friday, April 29, 2011

Psychology of Success.


I. PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT: It consists of the following factors.

(1) Evolution of Thought into Burning Desire: As we think of some material object, we feel about it. Repeated feelings give rise to wishes and we hope to do something about it. Our repeated wishes about a material object take the shape of a desire. The desire creates a strong feeling of wanting to get that material object. Many people “Wish” for many things. But a “Wish” is not the equivalent of a strong desire. Wishes are of little or no value unless they are crystallized into the more definite forms of desire. When the desire becomes strongly well established both in the Conscious Mind, as well as in the Sub-Conscious Mind, we may call it a burning desire or an obsession for that particular idea or object in our mind.

(2) Evolution of Burning Desire into a definite “Chief Aim” : A burning desire can become a constantly Deep Seated Strong Desire. When such a strong desire is capable of becoming a definite “Chief Aim” to convert it into a reality, then it is the starting point of all achievement. Thus, your "Chief aim" that is like a dream would be meaningless unless based upon a strong desire. To achieve that, simple planning does not work. It must be backed by persistence, which does not recognize failure.

(3) Working of The Law of Attraction: Law of Attraction causes elements and forces of similar nature to gather around certain centers of attraction. Through this law, the burning desire attracts the means of securing it or the physical equivalent of the thing desired. We focus our Conscious Mind upon our objective or dream, by constant thought of it and belief in its attainment, until the Sub-Conscious Mind takes up the outline or picture of this dream and impels us to take the necessary physical action to transform that picture into reality.

(4) Great Power of Dreams: Thoughts evolve into your "Chief Aim" that acquires the stage of a dream capable of realization. However, are four types of dreamers among the people in the world –

A. Dream-makers: They are those people who with their hard-work and
dedication realize their dreams without any loss of time.

B. Dream-bakers: They are the people who after seeing some dream
spend whole of their life in realizing that dream.

C. Dream-undertaker: They are those people who with their open eyes in
the morning see some dream and go to sleep after the sunset. They
never transform any of their dreams into reality.

D. Dream-taker: They are the people who fear to dream of any thing.
However, they try to steal other people’s dreams.

You can realize your dreams in reality if you believe you can. This changing world in which we live is demanding new ideas, new ways of doing things. Back of all this demand for new and better things is the quality of open-mindedness, receptive mind, the knowledge of what one wants, a burning desire and belief to possess it.


1. Open Mindedness: Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage and belief. Open mindedness is essential to make use of new ideas for realization of dreams. There is a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it. No one is ready for a thing until he develops in the mind the necessary faith and believes that he can acquire it by following usable ideas. The state of mind must be belief, not mere wish or hope.

2. Practical Actions: Dreamers back up their burning desire with practical actions for achieving success. A burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off. Dreamers are not born of indifference, laziness, or lack of ambition. All who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heart-breaking struggles, before they “arrive”. No one ever is defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.

3. Constructive Objective: It is a well established principle of psychology that a person’s acts are always in harmony with the dominating thoughts of his or her mind. Accordingly, your definite "Chief Aim" in life should be selected with deliberate care. Be sure that your "Chief Aim" is constructive.

4. Chief Aim: Through working relationship between Imagination, Conscious and Sub-Conscious minds, we reach the first step in the achievement of any definite "Chief Aim". In doing so, we create a definite picture of that thing which is desired. This picture must be held in the mind through the Law of Concentration, along with the exact awareness of your potentialities and talents.

5. Self-Hypnotism: By daily reference to a definite statement containing your “Chief Aim,” the thing aimed for is taken up by the Conscious Mind and handed over to the Sub-Conscious Mind through Auto-Suggestion, or the suggestion, which you repeatedly make to yourself. It is a degree of self-hypnotism through which the Sub-Conscious Mind in turn directs the energies of the body to transform your burning desire for that thing into material form. The impulse of strong burning desire recognizes no such word as impossible, and accepts no reality as failure.

6. Faith And Belief: Faith and belief are necessary for realization of your dreams. There is nothing right or wrong, which belief, plus burning desire, cannot make real. These qualities are free to everyone to successfully deal with adversities. Mental Chemistry works magic.

7. Organized Effort: Dreamers throw their heart and soul into their particular line of endeavour to achieve their objective. They know that success depends on power and power is organized effort. Therefore, the first step in the direction of organized effort is to develop definite actionable plans to achieve your purpose.

8. Persistence: Practical dreamers do not quit. After deciding what they actually want, practical dreamers persistently pursue the object of their desire till it is finally achieved. If they meet with temporary defeat, they do keep in mind that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success. Thomas Edison dreamed of a lamp that could be operated by electricity. Despite more than ten thousand failures, he stood by that dream until he made it a physical reality. Similar is the story of Wright brothers who dreamed of a machine that would fly through the air.


1. Every voluntary movement of body is caused, controlled and directed by
thought, through the operation of mind.

2. The presence of any thought or idea in our consciousness tends to
produce an associated feeling which is apt to urge upon us to transform
that feeling into muscular action that is in perfect harmony with the
nature of our thought.

3. If we choose life-work to realize a definite purpose, it becomes the

dominating thought in our consciousness, and we are constantly on the
alert for facts, information and knowledge with which to achieve that

4. Deep Seated Strong Desire determines what our definite purpose in life
shall be, unless we permit it to be pushed aside by conflicting desires. If
the object of desire is within reason, it is practically sure of realization. In
Short – The stages leading from desire to its fulfillment are –
FIRST: The burning desire.
SECOND: The crystallization of that desire into a definite purpose.
THIRD: The sufficient appropriate action or work to achieve that

REMEMBER to make your “Definite Chief Aim” clear by keeping in mind the fact that your aim cannot be too high. Back it up with persistence which does not recognize the word "impossible". Know WHAT you want, WHY you want it, WHEN you want it, WHERE you want it, WHO is to ally (if any) with you in getting it, HOW you intend to get it. This may be called as the “5WH” formula – what, why, where, when, who and how.

II. ECONOMIC ASPECT: It consists of two factors—

(1) Personal Effort: Hard labour and good intentions are not sufficient to carry a man through success, unless he has established in his mind some definite object that he wishes to achieve. If a steamship lost its rudder in the mid-ocean and began circling around, it would soon exhaust its fuel supply without reaching the shore, despite the fact that it would use up enough energy to carry it to the shore and back several times. So, until a man selects a definite purpose in life, he dissipates his energies and spreads his thoughts over so many subjects and in so many different directions that may not lead to success. Rather, such an attitude will lead to indecision, weakness, and wastage of time, energy and economic resources.

(2) Allied Effort: Out of allied effort comes greater power and economy. That which one person can accomplish single handed, during an entire life-time, is but meagre at best. But that which one man may accomplish through the principle of alliance with other men is practically without limitation. Concentration of allied effort and the habit of working with a definite “Chief Aim” are two of the essential factors in greater success, which are always found together. One leads another.

As a result of the Law of Attraction, like-minded people flock together. Go out into any cheap boarding house locality in any city and there you will find people of the same general trend of mind associated together. On the other hand, go into any prosperous community and there you will find people of the same general tendencies associated together. Men, who are successful, always seek company of such persons who are successful, while men who are on the ragged side of life always seek the company of those who are in similar circumstances. “Misery loves company”. As such, you will attract to you such people who harmonize with your own philosophy of life, whether you wish or not. This being true, you can see the importance of revitalizing your mind with a definite “Chief Aim” that will attract to you people who will be of help to you and not a hindrance.


  1. एक बहुत ही बढ़िया आलेख गोत्रा जी. बधाई.

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